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Ako nastaviť SEO Friendly URL ?

Napísané: 21. Máj 2016 18:33
od používateľa HeatHko
Dobrý deň,

chcel by som vás poprosiť o radu pri úprave URL adries na stránke, na SEO Friendly. Napríklad mám adresu vo forme : ... duct_id=55
A chcel by som mať z toho:
Vopred ďakujem za rady.

Re: Ako nastaviť SEO Friendly URL ?

Napísané: 21. Máj 2016 23:02
od používateľa SelfMan

Re: Ako nastaviť SEO Friendly URL ?

Napísané: 18. Mar 2017 19:15
od používateľa IMAX
Funguje vam to niekomu, vsetko mam spravene podla navodu, avsak linky ostavaju stale rovnake NOT Human readable? :/

Re: Ako nastaviť SEO Friendly URL ?

Napísané: 18. Mar 2017 20:42
od používateľa SelfMan
Nuz, pokial mas naozaj vsetko podla navodu, tak to musi fungovat.

Re: Ako nastaviť SEO Friendly URL ?

Napísané: 19. Mar 2017 17:09
od používateľa IMAX
Adresa FTP

v tomto adresati je aj subor .htaccess

RewriteBase /

SEO v nastaveni zapnute

Mode rewrite je podporovany hostingom ... uz neviem co ine by som mohol skontrolovat :cry:

Re: Ako nastaviť SEO Friendly URL ?

Napísané: 19. Mar 2017 19:35
od používateľa SelfMan
a je to .htaccess z opencartu? povodny .htaccess.txt

Re: Ako nastaviť SEO Friendly URL ?

Napísané: 19. Mar 2017 20:40
od používateľa IMAX
toto je obsah suboru a ja som ho urcite nepremazaval a ani nemenil az na nazov suboru.

Kód: Vybrať všetko

# 1.To use URL Alias you need to be running apache with mod_rewrite enabled.

# 2. In your opencart directory rename htaccess.txt to .htaccess.

# For any support issues please visit:

Options +FollowSymlinks

# Prevent Directoy listing
Options -Indexes

# Prevent Direct Access to files
<FilesMatch "(?i)((\.tpl|\.ini|\.log|(?<!robots)\.txt))">
 Order deny,allow
 Deny from all

# SEO URL Settings
RewriteEngine On
# If your opencart installation does not run on the main web folder make sure you folder it does run in ie. / becomes /shop/

RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^sitemap.xml$ index.php?route=feed/google_sitemap [L]
RewriteRule ^googlebase.xml$ index.php?route=feed/google_base [L]
RewriteRule ^system/download/(.*) index.php?route=error/not_found [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !.*\.(ico|gif|jpg|jpeg|png|js|css)
RewriteRule ^([^?]*) index.php?_route_=$1 [L,QSA]

### Additional Settings that may need to be enabled for some servers
### Uncomment the commands by removing the # sign in front of it.
### If you get an "Internal Server Error 500" after enabling any of the following settings, restore the # as this means your host doesn't allow that.

# 1. If your cart only allows you to add one item at a time, it is possible register_globals is on. This may work to disable it:
# php_flag register_globals off

# 2. If your cart has magic quotes enabled, This may work to disable it:
# php_flag magic_quotes_gpc Off

# 3. Set max upload file size. Most hosts will limit this and not allow it to be overridden but you can try
# php_value upload_max_filesize 999M

# 4. set max post size. uncomment this line if you have a lot of product options or are getting errors where forms are not saving all fields
# php_value post_max_size 999M

# 5. set max time script can take. uncomment this line if you have a lot of product options or are getting errors where forms are not saving all fields
# php_value max_execution_time 200

# 6. set max time for input to be recieved. Uncomment this line if you have a lot of product options or are getting errors where forms are not saving all fields
# php_value max_input_time 200

# 7. disable open_basedir limitations
# php_admin_value open_basedir none

Re: Ako nastaviť SEO Friendly URL ?

Napísané: 21. Mar 2017 23:29
od používateľa SelfMan
pozri si phpinfo(); na akom webserveri to bezi. Ci je to Apache 2.2.x alebo 2.4.x
Kazdy potrebuje mat trochu ine direktivy v .htaccess subore.
Taktiez pokial mas tu moznost pozri si chbovy protokol webservera.